We have officially finished our historical fiction story Hard Gold by Avi. It was an exciting adventure following Early on his journey from Iowa to the gold diggings in Cherry Creek.
At the end of the story Early finds his Uncle Jesse in Gold Hill. Jesse admits to killing the man who stole his first gold discovery, which angers Early. Early cries to Jesse "But, Jesse, why did you have to do what's wrong" to get the gold. Jesse replies "Hey Early, we ain't little kids no more. Start living what's real!"
How did Early change from the beginning of the story to the end? Why did he have to grow up so much even though he is still so young? Please use specific examples from the story to support your answer. You should us a RAD Response and write in complete sentences.
At the end of the story Early decides to go back to the Pike's Peak diggings instead of staying on the farm with his family. Why do you think Early decides to do this? Lizzy had asked Early, "What do you think will happen to Jesse?" What do YOU think happened to Jesse? Explain your answer using specifics from the text to support your prediction.
There are four questions in this blog post. Make sure you answer all of the questions with your best effort and thinking. This was a great book and I want to see that reflected in your answers. Don't forget to type your answers in your 'Bloggin Document" first so you can go back and edit. Check for spelling, grammar, capitals, and complete sentences before you submit your answers. Take your time with this and show me some wonderful RAD Responses. If you finish you can comment on posts from other people (do that in your 'Blogging Document' as well). Comments should be in complete sentences as well!