We have officially finished our historical fiction story Hard Gold by Avi. It was an exciting adventure following Early on his journey from Iowa to the gold diggings in Cherry Creek.
At the end of the story Early finds his Uncle Jesse in Gold Hill. Jesse admits to killing the man who stole his first gold discovery, which angers Early. Early cries to Jesse "But, Jesse, why did you have to do what's wrong" to get the gold. Jesse replies "Hey Early, we ain't little kids no more. Start living what's real!"
How did Early change from the beginning of the story to the end? Why did he have to grow up so much even though he is still so young? Please use specific examples from the story to support your answer. You should us a RAD Response and write in complete sentences.
At the end of the story Early decides to go back to the Pike's Peak diggings instead of staying on the farm with his family. Why do you think Early decides to do this? Lizzy had asked Early, "What do you think will happen to Jesse?" What do YOU think happened to Jesse? Explain your answer using specifics from the text to support your prediction.
There are four questions in this blog post. Make sure you answer all of the questions with your best effort and thinking. This was a great book and I want to see that reflected in your answers. Don't forget to type your answers in your 'Bloggin Document" first so you can go back and edit. Check for spelling, grammar, capitals, and complete sentences before you submit your answers. Take your time with this and show me some wonderful RAD Responses. If you finish you can comment on posts from other people (do that in your 'Blogging Document' as well). Comments should be in complete sentences as well!
Hard Gold Responses:
ReplyDeleteEarly changed from the beginning of the story to the end because of his long journey to find Jessie. He went from a little enthusiastic boy to a brave young boy who can stand up for himself and the people around him. This experience changed him into a man and a brave one too.
He had to grow up at such a young age because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to talk to his Uncle Jessie let alone look at him after all the stories about him. The ones that said he killed a man and escaped from a jail all for gold.
I think Early decided to go back to the diggings either to maybe see Jessie or Lizzy again or to find more gold. He might want to see Jessie again to see if he is still even alive by then. He might want to see Lizzy again because he has feelings for her and wants to see how she is doing. He might want more gold for his farm or so that he can start a better life.
I think Jessie ran away and disappeared. I don’t think anyone ever saw that man again. He might of died after a month or two. From starvation or no shelter maybe even because of all the animals out there. Really anything could have happened to him.
Maddie I like how you explained answer 4 with a good explanation.
DeleteMaddie I like how you said that "Early changed from an enthusiastic little boy to a man. A brave one too." That really showed me and not only he changed and became a very strong man but he also changed into a brave man too. He did turn into a man but not only a man, a brave one. When I was reading that also I could really feel your tone of voice. It was really giving and sweet. I like that about your writing. Nice job.
DeleteMaddie, I like your reasons for all your answers. Everything is very well thought through. Great Job Maddie!
Delete1. How did Early change from the beginning of the story to the end? I think Early changed from being soft and kind to scared and mad. I think so because seeing people die and having someone you love do something wrong like robbing a bank can change you because if you think they are nice but someone gives you proof they did something bad your thoughts about the person change.
ReplyDelete2. Why did he have to grow up so much even though he is still so young? I think Early had to grow up so much because he had to face the challenges of the west like strong rivers. Also, the Jesse he knew went from nice to a thief and a killer. And Early had to accept it.
3. Why do you think Early decides to do this? I think Early went back to Pikes Peak because Jesse was no longer at the farm and he wanted to be with Lizzy and her father at the beautiful place they lived in.
4. What do YOU think happened to Jesse? I think Jesse went back to the farm so he could be with Early even though he was no longer there. And then was arrested by Fuslin.
I like your ideas. Although I do think you could be a bit more thorough with number 4. :-]
DeleteI like your ideas. I like how you put examples into your work. I like how you put yourself into Early's shoes for #1.
DeleteI like how you explained answer 2 with details. PS good RAD
DeleteNICE! I like how you organized your answers into numbers and overall great thinking!
DeleteI think all of your ideas were thought thoroughly, but I think you should of added a little more to number 4. Overall great job!!!!
DeleteEarly changed from the beginning of the story to the end because Jesse left. Early went to go after him, which is how he met Lizzie on the wagon train. After Early learns about the stories of Jesse, he doesn't really want to go find him. Early was with Lizzie for the months when they were traveling, so they became friends. Early had to grow up so much because he had to learn that Jesse wasn't the only person that matters in the world. There are other people that he will have to get along with.
ReplyDeleteI think Early decides to go back to the diggings because he wanted to go back to Lizzie. He really liked Lizzie, and he missed her in Idaho. After he went through the trouble of going to Pike’s Peak and finding Jesse before Mr. Mawr did, he wasn't a little kid anymore. He didn't need his family to take care of him.
What I think happened to Jesse is that he moves away from the diggings. Mr. Mawr is still trying to kill Jesse because he robbed the bank, and with the gold he earns, he moves away because he wants to escape from Mr. Mawr.
Early changed from the beginning of the story to the end because of his journey where he met his girlfriend and found his uncle after he killed someone over gold and he even left his old house. To me all of that would be life changing. He had to make these changes so he could get through this journey. Early had to grow up so fast because, he was taking a journey where anyone can die just by getting a fever or even a cold. Also, he was separated with his family and that is like a real life situation that he needs to figure out before he is fully grown. Early decides to go to the diggings because, he is looking for a way to find the uncle he knows not the one he finds. Also, for gold so he can get the farm and pay the dets. What I think happened to Jessie is maybe he went off on a new “adventure” to find his true family. Or find a way to make up for robbing the bank, and killing a man to get to the diggings.
ReplyDeleteI agree Joel he did do all that and those were real problems back then like fevers and colds. I also agree about him having to adjust to not being around his family and he had to get used to it quick.
DeleteI totally agree that "all of that would be life changing". Imagine doing all the things on the way to Jesse. It would make everything change. Great job Joel!
DeleteI like your ideas for #4. Jesse is from another family, so I think that maybe he misses his old family. Also, Jesse wasn't meaning to do something bad just for the fun of it. He had to pay the debt. I think that if he could, Jesse would make up for it.
Delete@Sierra Great!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut remember to indent.
I love your explanation on the third answer.
1. How Early changed from the beginning to the end is very unique. Early was always the kind of boy that never really gets out there but was still determined. Early liked to kinda stay in the back and when his time came he wouldn’t put that much into it, he would kinda just say what needed to be said and then be done with it, and let the other person talk. But in the end Early went from just the backup plan, to what the person really needs. For once Early really stood up to Jesse and let him know how he felt and what HE thought Jesse was doing wrong. Early let his feelings come out and show so that people wouldn’t just think that he was the backup plan. Early came straight up to Jesse and told him off about robbing the bank, killing a person, and leaving the farm. Early even resisted the hug Jesse was offering him, seeing him for the first time in so long. That is definitely not like Early at all. Early would of ran into Jesse’s arms and hugged him till he felt better. But Early stood up for himself and that showed a real change in his feelings. He went from backup plan, to first in line.
ReplyDelete2. Early had to grow up even though he is still young because Earlys gonna find that there’s more to life than just fun and games. Early is a very strong and determined boy and he has a lot coming to him judging how mature he already is. People think that Early is really tough and mature, and that he can handle his own problems and doesn’t need help, but Early isn’t as tough as he looks. Early still needs help but there is so much that Early is going through that he can’t clearly understand yet because he’s so young and doesn’t know that much that might have to qualify to his real life situations. Early has already had a really bad case of drama with Jesse about leaving the farm and all, but Early handled that pretty well and there’s gonna be more of that that’s gonna be harder and Early has to understand things better so he can get through things better. Early has so much going on in his life already, and he needs to grow up, but that’s his choice, and he’s gonna make the best of it.
3. I think Early decides to stay at the Pike’s Peak diggings instead of going back to the farm because Early has grown so much out of having everyone do things for him, but now Early has his own responsibilities and he needs to get that taste of adventure and handling his own problems into him. Early isn’t always gonna be the boy who needs to be back home because the diggings are safe enough for kids like him. Early isn’t safe there but he knows how he handled Jesse, and that he’s perfectly capable of handling his own problems. I think he just wanted to show that to other people and prove that by staying at the diggings.
4. What I think happened to Jesse is he went on searching for gold and kept running form Mr. Mar. I think this because Jesse kinda got some crazy in his mind and is really obsessed with gold and because Jesse gave his gold to Early to save the farm he wants to get more for himself. I also think Mr. Mar is still chasing him so Jesse has to keep moving around to get away from Mar and make sure that he is safe. I don’t think that Jesse got captured because he is very speedy quick and he has really good tricks up his sleeve. Jesse has really grown out of mister obeying rules and not being able to be free, so Jesse kinda went crazy so I think that Jesse is still getting into trouble and finding his own adventures to conquer.
Good reasons for all of your questions. That whole piece looked really thought through. I totally agree that the way he changed was unique. Great Job!
Delete1. Early changed from the beginning to end by traveling to find Jesse then Early saw a girl named Lizzie and they became friends. When Early got to where Jesse was he learned what happened and started having second thoughts about Jesse doing bad stuff and wondering if Jesse was really Jesse.
ReplyDelete2. Early had to grow up because he soon realized it’s a big world “I can’t act like everything’s gonna go my way.” When he grew up out of maturity he realized “I need to protect myself it’s not my parent’s or my friend’s job it’s mine I have to do it.”
3. Early decides to go back to the pikes peak diggings because he knows Lizzie is there and he’s seen so much he can’t go back to his normal life he needs to move on. He also decides to leave because he doesn’t feel home any more and he leaves to get a new one.
4. I think Jesse will eventually get caught or move to a small town and live there and just live a low life and move on from the other with Early in it. I also think he would wait a couple years but then he could take his fake beard off and be his normal self.
Ethan I like how you explained what happened in the beginning to help with the end explanation.
DeleteEthan I I agree that Early has to grow up because he won’t have his friends or family everywhere he goes and he needs to protect himself.
DeleteEthan great work over all I just think that #1 was a little confusing. I think that you could of explained where Jesse was and what you meant by if Jesse was really Jesse and what happened that made Early think this.
Delete1. Early changed from the beginning of the story to the end by at first at the beginning he was a young boy who didn’t understand that many things about life and his surroundings. For example: he did not understand that he would see lots of sick people on the wagon train and watch people die. At the end he could understand almost everything about life and how his life would be in the future.
ReplyDelete2. Early had to grow up so much even though he was still young because he was going through a lot. For example: he had left his family to go find his uncle and be with an unknown family. He also was learning a lot of bad things about his uncle that he would have to go right up to his face and learn if he did those or not. For example: he would have to ask Jesse if he really did kill a man for gold.
3. I think Early decided to go back to the Pikes Peak diggings because he didn’t feel too comfortable with his real family. He wanted to go see his family that he took the biggest journey of his life with. He also wanted to see his best friend Lizzy and reunite with her because they were meant to be together.
4. What I think will happen to Jesse is I think he will try to find more gold and raise his own farm. I think this because he kept on mentioning that they would build their own farm once Jesse got gold.
Olivia I agree Early didn’t know lots about life and he got confused when many people got sick or died but since he went through it watching what happens he knows how that stuff works and next time he won’t be introduced to it.
DeleteI think that Early changed from the beginning to the end in many ways. At the beginning, he was living a very simple life and he just did what all farm boys did, chores and then fun. He felt very regular back then. But that changed when he got the letter from Jesse. He started going on a wagon to get to Jesse. He started to experience the real world. He saw and experienced danger. Early in my opinion felt worried. Once again that changed again when he had Mr. Mawr trying to beat him and Lizzy to Jesse. Early became more desperate to get to Jesse because of that element. Finally, when Early and Lizzy got to Jesse, Early felt all over the place. That is how I think Early changed throughout the story.
ReplyDeleteI think Early had to grow up so much because he had to find Jesse and realize everything that is in the real world. He had to grow up so much because he was on a dangerous path. Everything happened in less than a year, but he grew up at least two years worth, possibly more. He knew what danger was in a different way and experienced what the real world was like. Those things (and many more things) pushed him to grow up. If he didn’t know those thing and didn’t grow up so quickly, he might have not made it to Jesse, let alone talk to Jesse. That is why I think he had to grow up so much and so quickly.
I think that Early decides to go back to the Pike’s Peak diggings because he wanted to earn money for himself, and know what all the panning felt like. He realized from his experience that he has to do things for himself. Early also promised to visit Lizzy, and if he went to go there, he could keep his promise. Keeping a promise seemed to Early very important. The last reason I think he went there was for the memories. He made some nice memories in the diggings and around that area. After all, I would love to go back to the places where I had the strongest memories. Those are the reasons I think that Early went back the Pike’s Peak diggings.
I think that Jesse got away from what seemed to be Mr. Mawr and is living in a different state/territory to stay away from Mr. Mawr. That to me seems like what I would do if I was being followed by Mr. Mawr. Jesse is a very interesting character, and that would seem like what a interesting character would do, barely escape from some not-so-good people. That is what I think Jesse did.
Jen I don’t see how being chased by Mawr is a nice memory.
DeleteI was talking more about how he took the whole journey to find Jesse and all those things. But you are right, being chased by Mawr is not a good memory.
DeleteHow did Early changed from the beginning to the end? I think Early changed is he first wanted to find Jesse and wanted to ask him a lot of questions about if he killed someone to get his gold . In the end, Early found Jesse did killed someone to get his gold back and Early didn’t think that he could trust Jesse anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhy did he have to grow up so much even though he is still so young? I think Early had to grow up because Early didn’t have Jesse anymore and Jesse didn’t want Early to remember what Jesse had done and I think that Jesse knew that Early had a new friend because Early came with Lizzy.
Why do you think Early decides to do this? I think Early decides to go back to Pikes Peak diggings is because he wanted to be with Lizzy because he didn’t have a friend at home.
What do YOU think happened to Jesse? What I think happened to Jesse is that Mr. Mawr found Jesse and Jesse was sent back to jail. I think this happened is because Mr. Mawr was trying to find Jesse and I think that Mr. Mawr found him is because Jesse doesn’t know what Mr. Mawr looks like but Mr. Mawr knows what Jesse looks like.
Meg I so agree with you because they would throw Jesse in jail because Mr. Mawr found his would hut in the woods and after Early and Lizzie left Mr. Mawr would not have to worry about the gun that Lizzy throw into the tree.
Delete1. Early changed throughout the story because of the things that he has heard about Jesse like that he killed a guy and robbed a bank. This affected him because that wasn't like the Jesse he knew because he was always so nice and hard working. This also changed Early because he did not want to find him because of all the bad things he had heard about Jesse.
ReplyDelete2. Early had to grow up because everything had changed after he met Lizzie and saw how gold had changed Jesse because if he stayed at the farm nothing would be the same because Jesse said he would stay at Gold Hill so he wouldn’t go to jail for killing a guy and robbing a bank. Also Early did not want to be affected by gold like it had affected Jesse so he would not do horrible things that Jesse did when gold got into his heart.
3. I think Early went back to the Cherry Creek diggings because he wanted to stay with Lizzie because Early and Lizzie had gotten so close as friends Early didn’t want to leave Lizzie because she said that she could never live without him.
4. I think that Jessie got caught after Early left because someone told Early that Jesse went to that he was at Gold Hill too.
Nickie, in your third paragraph I liked all of the description that you used to describe why early wanted to go back to Lizzie. I also think that he went back because she was basicly his only friend
DeleteEarly had to grow up so much because he was going on a big adventure so he had to get used to doing hard labor and the hard terrain and pain. How he changed so much from the beginning of the story to the end is that his thoughts changed by having the need of getting to Jesse then having that fade away from hearing bad things about him. Also, being away from home made him very different in many different ways because it changed his view of things and he saw a lot of bad things like people dying.
ReplyDeleteI think that Jesse was killed after he ran away because there were so many people who knew about Jesse killing a person and he was wanted to be hanged for that so I think that he got caught. I think Early went back to Cherry Creek because Lizzy was there and she was her new friend because Jesse did extremely bad things. Also, maybe he thought that Jesse was there too.
I agree that Early went back to Cherry Creek to see Lizzy because over the trip he became very close to Lizzy and her family and also over the trip he started to feel less close to Jesse because he heard all the bad things about Jesse killing a man and robbing the bank.
DeleteI think Early has to grow up because a lot of things are happening in life and he had to watch people die and stand in the hot sun. He had to do anything he could to survive. In the beginning and towards the end Early was furious at Jesse. But at the very end Early forgave Jesse. Jesse will always be Early’s brother and Jesse risked his life to save the farm and that is a big change. I think Early went to Pike’s Peak because he wanted to rethink his life and wanted to see Lizzy because Lizzy was one of his best and only friends. He wanted to rethink his life because he wants to take a break from the farm because he is getting tired of the farm and wants to adventure and be surprised. I think Mr. Mawr killed Jesse because he gave the gold to Early and he was mad at him for that. Plus, Mr. Mawr was after Early and Jesse through the whole book.
ReplyDeleteBrady, I think that your last answer was well sported and thought out. I think Mr. Mawr killed Jesse because he gave the gold to Early and he was mad at him for that. Plus, Mr. Mawr was after Early and Jesse through the whole book.
DeleteEarly changed from the beginning to the end a lot. One way Early changed was when Jesse snuck out he wanted to find Jesse. Once Early heard that Jesse killed a man and robbed a bank to get money for the trip to Cherry Creek, Early didn’t really want to find Jesse because Jesse wasn’t the man he was before he got gold fever. Early also changed because towards the end Early started to feel closer to Lizzy than Jesse. All of Earlys thoughts and feelings about Jesse, his family, and Lizzy changed throughout the story along with Early himself.
ReplyDeleteEarly had to grow up so soon because he decided to go to Cherry Creek to find Jesse and he had to protect information about Jesse and himself from Mr.Mawr. When Early decided to go on the wagon train he had to protect himself from danger. One way Early had to protect himself was when Mr. Mawr tried to murder him and when Lizzy, Jesse, and himself were running away from Mr.Mawr and his men. One way Early had to protect information about Jesse was when he was talking to Mr.Mawr because Early knew that Mr.Mawr was looking for Jesse to kill or arrest him so Early couldn’t tell Mr.Mawr Jesse’s location.
I think that Early decided to go back to Pike’s Peak because he felt like that was his home not the farm and he felt like he needed to move on from Jesse and the farm. Early felt like he belonged at Pike’s Peak because Lizzy was there and he belonged with Lizzy and her father. Early had spent so much time with Lizzy and her family he really got to know them. Early had to move on from the farm and go off on his own into the world because he needed to realize that not everything is good like finding Jesse was not what he expected. Early had to move on from Jesse because he couldn’t be stuck in the moment he had to forget about that and live his life without always worrying about Jesse.
I think that Jesse was found by Mawr because even though in the end Mr.Mawr and his men went down the hill so they wouldn’t get hurt they caught up to Jesse. Jesse did get a head start but he would eventually get tired and Mr.Mawr would catch up and take Jesse back to Iowa. In the end of the story Early and Lizzy shot the pistol so Jesse could start running but Mr. Mawr and his men could take a different route to find Jesse and take him back. What Jesse did was wrong and I think he will get caught by Mr.Mawr and the men helping Mawr.
Early changed from the beginning to the end by going from bored, scared, and having to run around the farm to running from buffalo, being brave,and fighting against Mr, Mawr on the way to Gold hill to find his cousin Jesse Early had to grow up fast because needed to fend for himself. This is because he was away from his family and they could no longer help him in his struggle to help Jesse.I think Jesse might have found a new home away from where anybody would find him and try to kill him for what he did at Gold Hill. Early decides to go back to Gold Hill to find Jesse again; I thought about this because I inferred that he would not want to leave Jesse behind. I think Jesse might have died after a while because I’m sure Mr. Mawr would have found him at some point and killed him. He would kill him because he is collecting gold for his family so they can pay off their bills, but Mr. Mawr does not want them to pay their bills so the bank can make their farm a railroad.
ReplyDeleteReid I agree that Early had to grow up and take matters into his own hands because he didn't have Adam and his parents to protect him all the time on the trip. I also agree that Mr. Mawr found Jesse because Jesse can't just hide for the rest of his life and even if he tried Mr. Mawr would eventually find him.
Delete1. Early changed because he used to want to find Jessie but when he found Jessie he wasn’t really happy. While Early was trying to find Jessie he heard all of these terrible stories about him.
ReplyDelete2. Jessie probably thought that if he did something Early had to do it to so it would be fair for both of them like finding gold. Even though Early is still young and Early will have to do it too when he is older too.
3. I think Early went back to Pikes Peak because he wanted to go back to Lizzy and stay with her and maybe find some gold to give to his family to make it a better life for them.
4. What happened to Jessie is that he is finding more and more gold but every time he finds gold everyone takes it from him like the first time. Jessie may die of starvation too.
1. Early changed from the beginning of the story to the end of the story because at the beginning Early wanted to find Jesse and bring him back to the farm because he missed him dearly and wanted him again. But throughout the story and the stories the Early heard about Jesse made Early want less and less to find Jesse but he still had a little hope that the people were lying to him. At the end, Early found Jesse and was angry at Jesse for stealing 300 dollars from the bank and murdering the person that stole the gold. After that Early felt sad because Jesse had to run away from Mister Mawr to keep from going to jail and then end up dieing.
ReplyDelete2. Early had to grow up so much even though he is still so young because he went through some hard times and had to learn the hard way that he has to handle his life and it doesn't matter what happens just how you handle it. For example, Early had to learn that not everyone that was on the Wagon train could survive like Lizzy’s mother was sick and couldn’t make it, the same for Apollo Lizzy’s pig was not the pig that made it safely to the Peaks pike diggings.
3. I think that Early goes back to the Pikes Peak Digings because he likes Lizzy and he wants to hang out with Lizzy because he likes the way that she tosses her hair back it makes him feel proud and safe. I also think that Early went back to the diggings because he wanted to get more gold for his family.
4. I think that on Jesse’s way to another Pikes Peak mining camp Jesse didn’t make it because he could have died of starvation because he didn’t have a ton of food and it would be hard to catch animals to eat his food that could go bad. He could also get attacked by animals like bears because he had berries or fish and the bear was hungry and Jesse accidentally bothered the animal they could hurt him in a way that he couldn't move on. He also could be caught and taken away by Mr. Mawr.
ReplyDeleteHard Gold
by: Avi
1. Early changes throughout the story like when he started he wanted to find Jesse and get the gold to save the farm and he was willing to risk his life to find Jesse. But, towards the end of the story he was hearing bad things about Jesse that he didn’t want to believe like that Jesse robbed a bank. Then Early heard that Jesse had killed a man over gold. And after hearing these things, Early asked himself if he really wanted to find Jesse. Early didn’t know if he needed that man in his life anymore. That is how Early changed throughout the book.
2.Early grew even though he was still young because his spirit grew he actually got to experience the world in this adventure . I think this because he got to experience some of the hardships in life. Like seeing someone die. Or having someone in your family commit a crime. Or someone trying to hunt you down and kill you. That is why I think Early grew on this adventure.
3.I think that Early decides to go back to Pike’s Peak because he loved Jesse, and it is hard to forgive someone when they have done something wrong but it is also hard to give something away when it is your life and you have been there forever. I think Early went through this for the farm and for Jesse. But then in the end it was just for the farm.
4. I think that in the end Jesse kept on living up on Gold Hill I think that he realized that there was no reason to go back home. He would only be questioned and criticized, he wouldn’t be wanted there. Plus, he robbed a bank in that town. So, if he went back he would be arrested.
DeleteI like how you gave us information on what Early was thinking.
Nicely Done!!!!!!!!!
DeleteVery good details.
Awesome work!!!
ReplyDeleteThe change we realized Early made is in the beginning Early always thought of Jessie before himself, but Early realizes in the end that he didn’t think about Jesse the whole time he was in Cherry Creek. When he got to Jesse he wasn’t all that excited. He wasn’t excited because of all of the bad thing he did.
Early had to grow up the second he got on that train alone not only did he have to travel a long way but experience death,fighting for you're life, and losing you're inner kid . Early had to go from being a 12 year boy to being practically an adult. He had to make a change like that because he didn’t get to just live his life he had to fight for it.
I think Early decided to go back to the Pike’s Peak diggings because that’s where his best friend Lizzy was. If he didn’t go back he would be really sad for the rest of his life because he wouldn’t be with his best friend.
I think Jesse will probably be dead in 3 months. He has Mawr and other people after him. With all of those people after him wanting him dead he will not likely live.
Early changed from the beginning of the story to the end because he basically has to go 1000 miles so he could save his cousin Jesse from
ReplyDeleteMr.Mawr .So that way Mawr does not kill Jesse. From stealing money so
Early has to go help Jesse out so he does not get killed. Because Early
goes such a long way to find Jesse. And he ends up finding Jesse and
getting money then he takes it back to the farm then he turns around
and goes back to save Jesse from Mawr if i was Early i would go save
Early had to grow up so much because he wanted save Jesse so Jesse could return home safely and not killed and he wants to save his cousin from Mawr Because mawr would've killed jesse from robbing
the bank.
Early decides to go back to Pikes Peak because he wants to
find Jesse and take him back to the farm so he is safe and not in danger
from getting killed by Mawr because he wants to kill mawr so jesse can
go home.
I think he was very angry so he was thinking of what he was
gonna say to jesse because he was angry because he thought he did
not rob the bank or kill anybody.
Hard Gold
ReplyDeleteBy Avi
1. How did Early change from the beginning of the story to the end? Early changed from the beginning of the story to the end of the story because he, (in the beginning of the story), when Jesse left to go get gold at Cherry Creek to try to save the farm and buy a house or another farm for Early and Jesse to live in and when Jesse left, Early wanted to leave Iowa and go find Jesse in the Cherry Creek diggings. At the end of the story, Early found Jesse with the gold he got from Gold Hill and Lizzy was there with Early. Early became mad when he had killed a man for trying to steal Jesse's gold and was also mad when Jesse stole $300.00 from the bank to go get the gold for his family.
2. Why did Early have to grow up so much even though he is still so young? Early had to grow up so much even though he is still so young because he needed to act more brave instead of acting not so mature because he didn’t want to act like a wimp and also to feel brave around other people and not be immature. He also wanted to be strong around other people from the places he's been.
3. At the end of the story, Early decides to go back to Pike’s Peak diggings instead of staying on the farm with his family. Why do you think Early decides to do this? I think Early decides to do this because he would be closer to mine for gold and will probably get to Gold Hill faster from Pike’s Peak. He would also decide to do this because if he was back home, he wouldn’t to get to Jesse as fast if he were at Pike’s Pea because he could go see him for some memories.
4. Lizzy had asked Early, “ What do you think will happen to Jesse?” What do YOU think will happen to Jesse? What I think would happen to Jesse is he would probably go back to his chains and be hung up from killing a man and from probably stealing the $300.00 from that bank back in Iowa.